Why topic modeling?
As large amounts of data are collected every day, more and more information becomes available. At the same time, it becomes difficult to access the necessary information that we are looking for. Moreover, as these kinds of data are unstructured or free-form text, analyzing such volumes of text data manually becomes highly tedious and time-consuming. The simple solution is to use Topic modeling , as it provides us with methods for automatically organizing, understanding, searching, and summarising extensive electronic archives. It can help us sort through unstructured data in the following ways: - Discovering the hidden themes in the collection. - Classifying the documents into the discovered themes. - Using the classification to organize/summarise/search the documents. With the use of Topic Modeling , we can figure out what topics a bunch of unstructured text cover. This set of text documents may range from emails to survey responses, support tickets, product reviews, etc. Once w...